[gangstalking wiki] Gangstalker Down Memorial Page V2K Robot implant victims OS 9.2.3

This is a letter from Representative Jim Guest.

March 22, 2010

Re: Mr. James Walbert, Implant of Foreign Device

I have been acquainted with Mr. James Walbert for over three years and his personal struggle to get relief from the continuing electronic harassment, physical abuse and intimidation he is subjected to. I have complete confidence in the honesty and character of Mr. Walbert. He is an individual who is exhausting all avenues to get the RFID implanted device removed from his body.

There is sound medical evidence and medical evaluation to verify that an implanted device does exist in the body of Mr. Walbert.... Technicians, medical clinicians and physicians, private detective agencies and other mental health professionals have verified the accuracy of reports and MRI scans about James Walbert.... I implore those who have the experience and authority to remove this device or devices from the body of Mr. James Walbert as soon as possible. It is a humanitarian issue to let Mr. James Walbert return to a normal life.

Jim Guest

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