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Brain transmitters are the oldest implants that were recovered from victims. They are simple and large constructions (7 mm) that irradiate the brain and cause a mental impairment. Most victims are probably institutionalized or already dead, but their number should not be underestimated. Especially in Sweden there was a large group of victims, but Robert Näslund was the only one that I know who released all the details.
Liquid crystals are an alternative for brain transmitters. They are injected into an artery. Then they form a clot in the brain. Then they start to function like a brain transmitter. If radiation goes through the crystals then its characteristics are changed. This causes the desired ill effects.
Microstimulators are newer implants. They are simple and small constructions that merge with the body to change its function. They are designed to degrade over time to make their discovery more difficult. These implants are usually installed in locations where they don’t belong.
Current self–declared victims are preoccupied with finding RFID implants. They are complex and small constructions encapsulated in glass or plastic to avoid immunological response from the body. They are designed to work forever without batteries. If their coil is in an electromagnetic field, then it generates an electric current. The microelectronics use it to emit a signal. This signal can be feedback from the body that is sent to the outside world, or an instruction to change how the body works. They can be installed in teeth to send speech or other sound that will be perceived by the auditory nerve causing the illusion of hearing. They can be installed around the voice box to listen to the thoughts that resonate on the voice box to send them to the outside world. (Remember that one victim has 4 implants in the optic nerve.)
They are usually between 5 and 13 mm long. Those of 5 mm are 1 mm thick. The others are 2 mm thick. Larger distances require larger implants and lower frequencies.
There are already RFIDs of 5.8 GHz.
They can easily be detected using a commercial RF detector, but victims find it difficult to convince doctors to prescribe X–rays. Most of these cases remain unproven even if they are very convincing.
Implants that emit a signal can be detected using a commercial RF detector.
Lower frequencies require longer antennas.
See radio-frequency identification on Wikipedia.
www.AntiChips.com is about the dangers of RFIDs.
www.RFIDToys.net is about the blessings of RFIDs.