[gangstalking wiki] Gangstalker Down Memorial Page V2K Robot implant victims OS 9.2.3

Cliff Huylebroeck

Cliff Huylebroeck scans Melanie Vritschan Cliff Huylebroeck scans Melanie Vritschan


Accepted If this victim were implanted, then it was without his consent and without his knowledge.
Accepted Many anomalous RF signals were detected by a commercial spy bug detector.
Witness: Quam Porto-Rico.
X–ray needed No X–ray photograph.
Accepted This victim complains about persecution.


Accepted Anomalous RF signals witnessed on August 15, 2012.
Date needed X–ray photograph.
Accepted Persecution started in 1980.


This victim published several RF scanning videos on YouTube.

See a few snapshots (PDF, 132 K).


This victim is the author of this website.

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